Colleges Pushing For Increase In Students With Science And Engineering Degrees

Some states are faring better than others when it comes to engineering and science degrees. The US Census Bureau recently released information from an annual survey that for the first time included information about the types of college and university degrees residents on a state by state basis had obtained. The Census Bureau information shows that states such as New Jersey are ahead of the national average in engineering and science degree-holders, while states such as Ohio are behind.

President Barack Obama in 2009 established what's known as an "Educate to Innovate" campaign that encourages studies in science, technology, engineering and math. The subjects are key to the innovation that can keep the country an economic leader, an announcement on the White House website notes. The US Census Bureau's annual American Community Survey for 2009 included a new question that asked bachelor's degree-holders what their major area of study was.

Of an estimated 56.3 million people ages 25 and older with bachelors degrees at minimum, 36.4 percent held at least one science and engineering degree, according to the Census Bureau website. In states such as North Dakota and Mississippi, 28 percent or less of all bachelor's degree-holders older than 24 had obtained engineering and science degrees. Washington, D.C., at 51 percent, boasted the highest percentage of residents in this category with engineering and science degrees.

The Dayton Daily News and reported on the below and above average rankings in Ohio and New Jersey respectively. In Ohio, some 31 percent of the state's 1.9 million degree holders ages 25-plus had obtained engineering and science degrees, the Dayton Daily News article noted. In New Jersey, engineering and science degrees accounted for 37.4 percent of the degrees held by the state's 2 million-plus degree-holders older than 24, according to the article.

Students have a variety of subject areas in which they can specialize when pursuing engineering and science degrees. In engineering alone, students can study toward becoming anything from civil engineers who plan, design and build projects such as airports, bridges, government structures and water treatment facilities to biomedical engineers who develop health products and systems such as MRIs and automatic insulin injectors. Graduates with engineering degrees in 2009 commanded most of the top entry level salaries, information from the National Association of Colleges and Employers. Working toward degrees in science, students might study geology and hydrology, where they could search for natural resources such as in-ground drinking water supplies or petroleum, or environmental science, where they might work to clean up the environment.

Food Science Educational Training Opportunities Online

Food preparation and nutritional value is extremely important to lead a healthy lifestyle. Students can pursue education in several areas to understand the properties of food and diet. Online accredited schools provide students with many food science educational training opportunities.

Undergraduate to graduate study can be pursued online to enter careers as food engineers, food product consultants, dietitians, and nutritionists. Training can be entered in several areas related to food science.

This field explores many disciplines to prepare students to work with and process food. Engineering, math, and science make up the overall focal point of education. Online training has students studying the ingredients and substances of food in order to learn how to correctly conserve, process, protect, and distribute it. The nutritional value in connection to additives and the shelf life, which helps professionals constantly update procedures, are other areas explored. Some courses that may be taken online include.

Schooling provides students with the understanding of how food can be managed, developed, and manufactured for distribution. Various careers are available for students that complete an online training program.

Health Sciences Career Studies

The field of health sciences is extremely broad leaving students with the choice of what type of degree they would like to earn. The field encompasses career studies that prepare students to work in health care as assistants or technicians in a specific area. Educational opportunities can be found at a variety of colleges throughout the country.

With the field being extremely diverse many students start by entering a bachelor's degree program. This is the case because many students enter the health sciences field after they have already earned an associate's degree in their desired field.

These fields are joined by many other specializations that can be gained through degree programs from the associate's to the PhD level of education. The most common entered programs are at the bachelor's and master's degree level. Education at the bachelor's degree level consists of courses that supplement a concentration. It is typical for students to work through courses that have them completing clinical hours to gain experience. The same basic courses are taken no matter what career students are working towards. In a four-year degree program students should expect to complete courses in microbiology, human anatomy, physiology, and health care. Some classes will also focus on the different types of delivery systems that are integrated into the field.

Working through a master's degree program provides students with the knowledge needed to work alongside doctors and surgeons. Many of the degree programs prepare students for management by taking their specialization and providing a complete understanding of health science. Students can enter concentrations in areas including public health, health education, emergency and disaster management, clinical research administration, and more.

Environmental Sciences Online Career Education Options

When looking to gain an accredited education in environmental sciences there is the option of enrolling in an online school or college. Students can prepare for an exciting future by gaining the accredited educational training they need to enter into the workforce prepared for success. Training can be completed from just about anywhere and at the students own leisure. Accredited online programs allow students to choose from various areas of specialized study that can be completed at numerous education levels.

Environmental Science - Training for a career in environmental sciences will help students to prepare for a career working with people and the environments they live in. Studies are available at the certificate and degree level. Students can choose to earn an accredited online certificate, bachelor, master, or doctoral degree. Training will vary but can last anywhere from one to eight years. Coursework will cover topics that focus on the student's desired career and level of education. Subjects may include chemistry, geology, biology, social sciences, and many other relevant courses. Studies in these areas will help students to gain the skills needed for the career they desire. Possible careers include working as.

And many other professionals. By pursuing an accredited education in this field, students can expect to prepare for the future they deserve. Student scan start the path to any one of these exciting career by enrolling in an accredited online school or college.

Environmental Sciences - Online Career Education Opportunities

Online studies are a great way to complete the educational training required for a career in environmental sciences. With a variety of accredited online schools and colleges you can build the skills and knowledge needed to have a successful career. You will have the opportunity to choose how much time is spent on coursework, and where you study. Accredited online training programs can help you to create the path needed to enter into a successful career in the field of environmental sciences. You can train for your desired career by obtaining an accredited degree or certificate online.

Obtaining a certificate or degree in environmental sciences can help you to build your skills and knowledge to pursue the career you desire.

Certificate programs can take you anywhere from six months to one year to complete based on the specific area of study.
Training at the associate degree level will require you to complete two years of online education.
With an associate level degree you can pursue a bachelor's in the field by completing four years of study.
Master level degrees usually consist of an additional two years of accredited training.
Further education at the doctoral or PhD level can take an additional four years of training.

Teachers Needed for High Demand Teaching Jobs - ESL, Math and Science, Special Ed

New teachers invigorate the field of education, inspire students, and make a lasting difference. Unfortunately, it can be difficult for young teachers to find a teaching job. Some areas of the country are facing hiring freezes, layoffs, and dwindling student enrollments. While there are some high-needs school districts that are desperate for teachers in all fields, many areas have a surplus of elementary, social studies, and physical education teachers. In a tough job market, one way to help ensure you land a teaching job is to enter a high-demand field in education.

The number of students who do not speak English as a first language is rapidly increasing. Over two million US students need help learning the English language. This makes high demand for ESL teachers. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, schools have more difficulty filling positions in ESL than any other field. While it isn't necessary to be bilingual, it can come in handy - especially if you can speak Spanish. There is also a growing need for bilingual teachers. Many schools with a high population of Spanish speaking students will have a teacher instruct in both English and Spanish. If you live near an area with a diverse population, bilingual or ESL skills will greatly enhance your job prospects. Furthermore, you'll be rewarded by giving students the skills needed to successfully communicate in English.

The college courses necessary to become a secondary science or math teacher are difficult. Calculus 4, organic chemistry, and physics are tough courses. Basically, there are more education majors in the area of elementary education than secondary science or math. Those who do major in these subjects usually have plenty of lucrative job prospects besides teaching, which makes for a lot of teaching openings in the fields of science and math. Some desperate districts are offering incentive programs to attract qualified science and math teachers. Tuition reimbursement, strong mentor programs, and other financial incentives are being offered, especially in high-needs school districts. There is also a push to employ more women educators in the fields of science and math, which have historically been male-dominated areas of education.

Behavioral Sciences Online Career Training Options

Gaining the education needed to pursue a career in behavioral sciences can be done by enrolling in an accredited online school or college. Students can choose to pursue their desired career by gaining the necessary skills and knowledge from the comfort of home. Online educational training is available at various levels of study for those looking to enter into this exciting field. Students can pursue an accredited associate, bachelor, master, or doctoral degree in behavioral sciences. Training is available in a number of specialized areas for students to choose from.

Students can train for a career in counseling or pastoral counseling with an online school or college. Training can last anywhere from four to eight years with a bachelor, master, or doctoral level degree. Coursework will vary by level of education and desired career. Subjects can include biology, human development, statistics, psychology, and many other relevant courses. Training in counseling will prepare students to enter into careers as mental health counselors, school counselors, counseling psychologists, school counselors, and other professions. Training online for an accredited education in this area will open a world of career opportunities for students.

Online schools and colleges allow students to train for a career in human development at their own leisure. Accredited programs can be completed at the associate, bachelor, master, and doctoral degree levels. Students can expect to spend two to eight years on study depending on the level of education desired. Training is available through a number of subjects such as adolescent development, child abuse, adulthood, gerontology, and much more. Students can gain the skills needed to pursue careers in education, counseling, and more. Accredited online training in this area of the field can provide students with the means to enter the workforce.

Students who wish to gain the education needed to pursue careers in sociology can do so by enrolling in an online educational training program. Online studies are available at the diploma, certificate, associate, bachelor, master, and doctoral level. Programs can range from six months to eight years depending on the level of education. Coursework may consist of social problems, humanities, social theory, communication, and more. Training will allow student to enter careers in administration, corrections, education, counseling, business, and much more. Students can prepare for their desired career by enrolling in an online sociology program.

Pennsylvania's Award-Winning Science in Motion

STEM makes headlines every day--a definite education priority from the highest levels of government on down. The goal: invigorate the teaching of science, technology, engineering, and math in our middle and high schools and raise America's academic standing in the world.

Like many others, President Obama has been quite vocal about the shortcomings of STEM teaching and our students' lackluster testing performance, hence the government's push for improvement.

Initiated an annual White House science fair.
Launched his "Educate to Innovate" campaign, a nationwide effort to move America's students up from the middle of the pack in math and science.
Challenged scientists, engineers, educators, the private sector, and governors to join him in a national campaign to engage students in STEM fields.
Given a competitive edge to states that commit to improving STEM education in his Race to the Top grant contest.
Recently honored about 100 outstanding middle and high school math and science teachers from around the country at the White House.
Applauded the grassroots National Lab Day initiative intended to revitalize science and math education and lead to increased American competitiveness.

And as he has said, "Passionate educators with deep content expertise can make all the difference, enabling hands-on learning that truly engages students-including girls and underrepresented minorities-and preparing them to tackle the 'grand challenges' of the 21st century, such as increasing energy independence, improving people's health, protecting the environment, and strengthening national security."

Despite such good intentions, however, there's been no apparent trickledown effect when it comes to the award-winning Science in Motion program.

Science For Kids - How to Answer Their Questions

Science instructional standards indicate that the best way to develop science for kids is to ensure the curriculum.

Children are inherently curious and subsequently tend to ask LOTS of questions, such as "Why is grass green?", "How big is the moon?", 'What is a virus?", and a multitude of others for which we may not have an immediate answer. Still, it is important to foster an environment where kids are allowed to be curious as this is often their motivation for learning.

Developing activities in science for kids that directly answer their questions can be difficult. However, with a library of high-quality educational DVDs on hand, we can answer questions immediately, and accurately, at the same time providing that instant gratification to which the kids of the information age have become accustomed. Waiting, while we develop a lesson plan or search textbooks for the answer is not an option.

When they ask about earthquakes, you can pop in an educational DVD on United States earthquakes and all the science related to the topic. You could even incorporate a Social Studies lesson on the locations most prone to earthquakes. Or, when they ask how many planets there are, you can actually play an educational video showing a simulation of how the solar system came to be.

Educational DVDs on science topics can help answer a child's question visually, making it much more likely he will retain the information. Science for kids can include educational DVDs on earth science, biology and life sciences, physical sciences, and be used for inquiry-based science exploration. Step-by-step scientific experiments can be shown, including detailed explanations. This is sometimes even more effective than the real lab exercise.

Teaching Kids to Love Science and Rekindling Our Fascination in the Process

Teaching our kids to love science can help them become clearer thinkers and better persons. A sustained interest in science will not only help them as children (in school or in play), but will also aid in their development as adults, allowing them to function well in any field of work and to be happy and successful in their lives. The best way to engage our kids in the wonders of science is through educational toys.

Science is important; we were always taught that in school. But as adults, with all the preoccupations we have to deal with in real life from our jobs to our domestic obligations and our personal affairs and financial concerns, we tend to forget just how important science is. Because of the everyday problems and mundane tasks we have to deal with, we may find that science has little relevance in our lives. What we fail to see is that a sustained fascination with the workings of the world and a constant love for science and technology can actually lead to a more satisfying and fulfilling life.

We need to rediscover the joys of science to truly teach our kids to love science. Kids learn the most by imitation and what they see in the actions and words of adults (especially their parents) they tend to file in their little heads as a matter of importance. Buying them children's educational toys is one way to make them value learning; showing them how interested we are in the world and are fascinated with science is another way of affecting their minds for the better.

Liberty Science Center - Reinventing the Science Museum

From its unique approach to engaging people in real science, to its goal of positively influencing communities to take action to improve our world, the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City has been re-invented to enhance educational travel and inspire student groups in scientific literacy and understanding.

Science museums first appeared in the early 1800s, with a focus on collecting, researching, and presenting artifacts in an attempt to understand the past. In the 1960s, science museums sought to entertain and engage their audiences - increasing scientific literacy and understanding. Today, many science centers are focused solely on interactivity. The newly reinvented Liberty Science Center has placed its efforts on encouraging actual science activism, acting as a resource and catalyst to advance the realm of science, technology, and society.

Enhanced by its historic and cosmopolitan location, which overlooks Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty, the Liberty Science Center strives to inspire student tours in understanding the continuing connection between scientific advances and how they improve the human condition.

For instance, the center's "Live From...Robotic Surgery" program uses live teleconferencing to take students into the O.R. where they interact directly with surgeons and witness how the advances of science and technology benefit humans. Program offerings include topics on cardiology, neurosurgery, and kidney transplant. Other programs include lab workshops in a state-of-the-art laboratory where students embark on an interactive learning experience led by a knowledgeable science educator.

Getting a Prestige Forensic Education in a Good Higher Educational Establishment

In a high school students always think about their future careers. Their abilities and likings persuade and push them to the definite choice. Some of them want to become a scientist, a teacher, a lawyer or a policeman. There are a lot of professions but still, people should know what job they really want and go forward to their dream.

While being in the high school only few teenagers think about the forensic career. A person who wants to become a forensic scientist should have a lot of patience and calmness, because this work requires a lot of time and is very difficult. Even if a student in a high school thinks about the forensic career, he or she usually doesn't understand all the difficulties of this job. But if a person really wants to become a forensic scientist, then he or she must be more precise in attending biology and chemistry courses. If you are good in studying these subjects, then you can be sure that it will be easier for you to study by a forensic program.

Even if you are already studying at the college, a lot of courses will be very familiar for you. This is due to the common basis of information with high school matters. You will notice that the learning process will be much easier for you, because you have already studied the same subjects. And if you really want to choose a forensic career and be involved in the criminal proceedings, then you can choose any career from the range of forensic careers. There are a lot of different careers in a forensic area. You can become a forensic psychologist, a forensic engineer, a nurse, a teacher of forensic science, forensic biologist, forensic chemist, forensic archaeologist, forensic anthropologist, forensic linguist, forensic toxicology expert, science technician, social scientist, etc.

Renaissance Science and a 'Fair Dinkum' Australian Politician

Some people mourn an aspect of political candour that existed in Australia during the era of the 20th Century's political struggle to ensure educational opportunities for the working class. A sense of Australia 'doing right' to 'get somewhere' or to 'forge ahead', existed in contrast to the 21st Century's 'spin doctoring', with its continual reference to various complex financial graphs and charts. The Australian term 'fair dinkum' was a colloquial expression used to denote an opinion that was genuinely held with no reservations. 'Fair Go' was associated with the making of reasonable judgemental policies and the term 'using your Nous' was another popular term, referring to using one's common-sense. Master tradesman often exhorted their apprentices to use their Nous to solve problems.

A fair dinkum Aussie Pollie, in that bygone era, used his or her Nous to ensure a fair deal, and such a person became a well respected Australian politician. The Australian Federal Minster, Simon Crean, had earned such a reputation, along with the rough and tumble criticism from those who put profits ahead of all else. Simon Crean devoted his life creating educational opportunities for fellow Australians, be they unemployed tradespeople or those engaged in fields of higher education.

Simon Crean has become a pivotal figure in ensuring that Australians get a fair go to become acquainted with the development of an entirely new science of chemistry. This medical science, now established by three 1996 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry, is emerging onto the world stage, in complete defiance of the 20th Century's fixed life-science world-view. Australia, thanks to Simon Crean, holds a prominent position within its great futuristic global potential, in which the importance of the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy, to fuse ethics into the Nous, is of paramount importance within the functioning of the new chemistry.

During 1995, as the Minister for Employment, Education and Training, Simon Crean's Department investigated an application by the Science-Art Research Centre in Australia to become An Australian Government Approved Research Institute. A major Australian University's assessment for the Government claimed, that while the Centre's work was not factually erroneous, it was inconceivable. The scientific hostility toward the Centre's work was such that its mathematical life-force theories, reprinted in 1990 as one of the 20th Century's important discoveres, by the world's largest research institute based in Washington, the IEEE SPIE Milestone series, was treated with hostile contempt in Australia.

Applied Sciences Online Career Preparation Choices

Enrolling in an accredited online career training program can allow students to obtain the education they need to pursue careers in applied sciences. Accredited online degree and certificate programs can help students to pursue their desired career path. Training will help students to become professionals who apply scientific knowledge to solve problems. Applied sciences online career preparation choices are available at numerous levels, allowing students to specialize in specific areas of the field. Online training can be completed at the students own leisure from just about anywhere.

Enrolling in an online career training program will help students to discover the right future for them. Career preparation in this field will vary based on each individual's desired career and level of education they choose to pursue. Training can be completed at various levels including.

By gaining an accredited online education at these levels students will be prepared to enter into the workforce in a number of careers. Degree training can last anywhere from six months to four years, and students and professionals can earn certificates to enhance their knowledge in certain areas.

Educational Training Options for Behavioral Sciences Careers

Preparing for a career in behavioral sciences can require training from an accredited school or college. You can receive the quality educational training that is needed to pursue a career in this exciting field. Enrollment in an accredited program will give you numerous options to choose from. Training can be completed at various levels of study to give you the career preparation that fits your needs and goals. Becoming a professional in the field of behavioral sciences can be done in a number of specialized areas of study. You should choose the path that is right for you and begin the training process today.

Undergraduate degree programs are offered to allow you to obtain an accredited associate or bachelor level degree. Training for an undergraduate degree in this field can be done to help you pursue an entry level career. Associate degrees can take around two years to obtain and will prepare you for a bachelor degree. Bachelor degree programs can require four years of training to complete. Studies will cover various topics to allow you to receive the accredited education you need to enter into the workforce.

Gaining skills and knowledge in areas like these will help to prepare you for the employment you desire. Accredited undergraduate degree training programs can help you to receive the education you need to start your career. Possible professions at this level include working in social services, counseling, psychology, consciousness studies, and much more. You can enroll in the program that fits your needs and begin the path to a new career today or further education at the graduate level.