Science Fair Projects - An Important Part of Science Education

The classroom experience is an important part of the way a student learns new material, but it is by no means the only part. In the rush to make sure that students are properly educated, it is easy to get caught up in the more obvious, typical, ordinary aspects of learning and to forget about some techniques which, although they are not used quite as frequently, have every bit as much value and are one hundred percent as vital as any of the other more commonly seen ways that we teach children in a modern classroom setting.

You see, when students get together in a classroom with a teacher, the primary purpose of that gathering is to transmit information from the teacher to the student. All of the information that the teach communicates on the given subject is already known and established, and he or she is simply telling the information to the students so that they will know it as well. In other words, nothing new is being created or pursued; instead, something which is already known is being transferred from one place (the teacher's mind) to another place (the mind of the student).

One other way to do things is actually to set about discovering new information in the classroom. In this manner students and teachers can embark together on a process of discovery where neither the student nor the teacher knows what might happen at the end. This is very different from the way things are normally done because it really seeks to add to the amount of existing knowledge in the world instead of just spreading it from place to place. One really great way to pursue knowledge in this way is through a science fair, where students will create science fair projects.

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